But for right now, since it's almost 2013, I thought I'd share some resolutions.
2013 New Year's Resolutions
1. Lose that weight. Seriously. My husband is in on it with me. I am going to walk/run/do something active for at least 30 minutes 3 days a week, gradually lengthening my time and changing things up. I am also going to do 100 sit ups. Every. Day.
2. Budget our money better. Actually sit down with Brian and tell our money where to go. We have been to lots of Joe Sangl presentations (similar to Dave Ramsey), so we know what to do we just need to implement it.
3. I also want to budget so that we can start to set aside money every month to adopt a child. It is something I believe I am called to do, so I want to start now so that when the time is right several years from now, we'll be ready.
So that's it. Simple. Manageable. Completely doable. Here we go!