Scarves. Light, springy ones to fancy up an outfit.
Heavy bangs. Still want to try it. Still chicken. Jennifer Garner can rock them because she has a really structured face---mine? round and squishy...

Chapstick. Doesn't matter what kind, but I always have it available. *In the bathroom drawer. On the night stand. In my purse. In my car. Obsessed.

Maybelline Full N' Soft Mascara. Used this since high school. I have mingled other mascaras in between, but this one is ol' faithful.
Flip flops, preferably Rainbows because of comfort but if I have to wear shoes it would be this kind.

Summertime and sunshine. So I can wear my favorite foot apparel. :) Oh and it is the best feeling in the world to have warm sunshine baking the bod whilst lying on the beach with a magazine. Ben Harper's "She's Only Happy in the Sun," anyone?
That's all for now :) Can you tell I am ready for warm weather???
LOVE the hunger games! I just finished book two!