Guess what y'all? Brian and I just celebrated our 6 year anniversary last week! I can't believe it's been 6 whole years. We've done a lot of living and loving in the mean time. While I sometimes wish that we would have started our family sooner, I am so thankful for the almost 5 years of it just being me and my babe. We have had
a lot of fun and gone on a lot of spontaneous trips (read: leaving for the beach at 10 pm Friday night, driving 5 hours, setting up the pop-up at 3 am, waking up and spending the entire Saturday sleeping in the sun). And now--watching the hubs become a dad--wowzers. And I thought he was hot before. :) Really truly, he is my soul mate/best friend/brutha from anotha mutha. We complement each other so well, hardly fight, squirt toothpaste on each other, whip each other with towels through the house, and wrestle on the living room floor. Brodyissoconfused. We hold hands in the car, kiss each other every morning and night (and in between), and just laugh our way through life. Nugget, if you're reading this: Thanks. I love you. I don't want this to ever end. GIMY.

One Year in Charleston, SC. Stayed at awesome house on Daniel Island and spent the weekend perusing The Slave Market and taking carriage tours of the city and playing on the playground at The Battery. *This is the only photo I have of both of us in the same picture. Doesn't it always end up like that?
Second Year not pictured. Myrtle Beach, with the parentals.

Third Year in Atlanta, GA at the Coke Museum. (We also went to the Georgia Aquarium). Brian ate at a vegan restaurant just for me (when I was vegan) and HE LIKED IT!

Fourth Year in Chimney Rock, NC. Hiking and horseback riding. Camped on the French Broad River with NO HOT WATER! brrr!
Fifth Year--picnic lunch at the park with our new addition--6 weeks old. My mom and dad got us a hotel room in a nearby city, and we went to dinner and a movie and had a baby-free night.
Sixth Year--weekend biking trip with his side of the family to the Creeper Trail in VA. Biked 17 miles downhill. Also, went on a small hike and saw/pet wild ponies and went to fall festival. (mega super blurry pic--texted from hubs phone to my phone, uploaded to facebook and downloaded to my computer---so yeah....)
And there you have it! 6 years of bliss. Cheers to many more!
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