Tuesday, November 29, 2011
was hard. After a week and a half of being back to work (with Thanksgiving break thrown in there), today was my hardest day yet. I cried on the way to work, I cried at work (while being milked like a cow in a small office-I hate pumping!), and I cried when the babysitter sent me a text saying Brody was sound asleep and snoring...snoring! She said it was so precious and I just started crying, wishing I could hear him snore and knowing it's because his nose is stuffed up from a teeny cold he has. I cried while looking at Facebook statuses of SAHM's talking about chores they were doing, places they were going or posting pictures of the cute things their kids were doing. sigh I am just waiting for the day Brian comes home and says, "Babe--put in your 2 weeks notice because Brody needs his mommy more than your job needs you!" I am so mad at myself for not saving up for this day!!!!!!!! I had a huge opportunity to get ahead and I blew it. blah-long, personal story. anyways---I'll keep waiting [not so] patiently.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Let's Be Honest
And I mean, totally honest. I am writing this post for those future moms out there who may experience this, come across my blog and feel a bit of normalcy in their situation. Here's the scoop---being a mom is tough! ESPECIALLY at the beginning. Your whole. life. changes. in one day. I reeeeeally struggled with the adjustment the first few weeks of Brody's life. I just thought it would be so different. I had wanted a baby my whole life and now that he was finally here, where were those feelings of elation and utter joy? I felt disconnected with him. There were so many factors interrupting our relationship. An unplanned C-section.-I couldn't really hold him until a couple of hours after his birth. I felt like a failure as a woman and mother because it did not go as I planned at all (see Brody's Birth Story). I was totally drugged up and in a lot of pain--even after I left the hospital. My hormones were sooo out of whack. I would cry all. the. time. Poor Brian! I was so exhausted but still felt the need to do housework. Seriously--sleep, sleep, sleep. Breastfeeding was painful. I wanted this so badly for him, but I would absolutely dread when he would be hungry because I knew it would hurt so badly. He would fall asleep while nursing and I was so scared to move him and wake him that I would sit on the couch, motionless with him, for 2+ hours. And then it would start all over again. I was so tired of sitting! So many things effecting our relationship. And when people would tell me "It gets better," I couldn't comprehend it because it felt like eons away. I loved my baby and gave him what he needed, but I didn't like him so much there for a little bit. I was basically surviving. People would say this is postpartum depression, but I don't really think so because the feelings left and were finally replaced with elation and complete joy. It was just an adjustment period. Now, I look forward to every second-watching him develop and those smiles---holy cow--melt my heart!! Mamas-to-be, don't feel bad if you don't have that instant bond with your baby. Take it from someone who knows, you will fall head over heels for your baby, you will eventually get some sleep, your boobs will feel better, you will want another one (if you're planning on more than one), you will eventually think, "I can't imagine life could get any better." And you know what, it does. Here's to faith, hope and love.
Hello there! It's Wednesday and I have the day off!! Yippee! I hope Brian gets off early today so we can head to my parent's house ASAP to see my brotherrrrrrrrrrrrr! I haven't seen him since April during my Spring Break week! He lives in Indiana (where I'm from) and it's hard to find time and money to get together. This will be the first time he gets to see Brody and that's so exciting! We are going to travel to Virginia (parents included) to be with all of my extended family for a big Thanksgiving feast! Can't wait to eat some food! I am the type of person that would rather have a whole bunch of sides than eat turkey, ham, etc. I LOVE me some mac n cheese, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, biscuits, gravy-my mouth is watering!!
Anyway, I LOVE having this day off with my sweet boy! We had a fun morning, full of smiles and laughing and now he's sleeping away in his swing! I wrote out a list of things I wanted to blog about so here are some things you can look forward to:
Weight Loss! ahhh! I think after the holidays (because who am I kidding trying to start dieting now) it will finally be time to get my butt in gear! I am asking for a treadmill for Christmas (I don't care where it comes from-Craigslist, wal-mart, ordered from the TV)-just something I can run on AT HOME that tracks my mileage and calories. I also plan on eating healthier and not keeping track of my calories---I will talk more about this when the time comes!
Recipes-Easy meals that don't take very long (sadly, some of these will have to be omitted from my diet once the new year comes).
Crafts! I have a few crafts/ideas in the making so I thought I would share with y'all because if I can do it, ANYBODY can! This mainly involves clothes for my sweet boy---just hafta wait and see!
Obviously Thanksgiving and Christmas updates/pictures because it will be B2's first for them both. Watch out for cute pictures!
More background information on Brian and I just to get to know us a little better. :)
Couponing adventures! I have a post that I can do already on some things I bought at Walgreens last week, picture included. That will be up soon. :)
Cloth diapering my baby-way easier than it used to be!
Some of my favorite things! Not mommy or baby related....
A fashion blog. Not that I am some big fashionista, but styles I envy and things I would like to own but am too nervous to pull off! :)
So, that's what I've got so far! Stay tuned!!!
Anyway, I LOVE having this day off with my sweet boy! We had a fun morning, full of smiles and laughing and now he's sleeping away in his swing! I wrote out a list of things I wanted to blog about so here are some things you can look forward to:
Weight Loss! ahhh! I think after the holidays (because who am I kidding trying to start dieting now) it will finally be time to get my butt in gear! I am asking for a treadmill for Christmas (I don't care where it comes from-Craigslist, wal-mart, ordered from the TV)-just something I can run on AT HOME that tracks my mileage and calories. I also plan on eating healthier and not keeping track of my calories---I will talk more about this when the time comes!
Recipes-Easy meals that don't take very long (sadly, some of these will have to be omitted from my diet once the new year comes).
Crafts! I have a few crafts/ideas in the making so I thought I would share with y'all because if I can do it, ANYBODY can! This mainly involves clothes for my sweet boy---just hafta wait and see!
Obviously Thanksgiving and Christmas updates/pictures because it will be B2's first for them both. Watch out for cute pictures!
More background information on Brian and I just to get to know us a little better. :)
Couponing adventures! I have a post that I can do already on some things I bought at Walgreens last week, picture included. That will be up soon. :)
Cloth diapering my baby-way easier than it used to be!
Some of my favorite things! Not mommy or baby related....
A fashion blog. Not that I am some big fashionista, but styles I envy and things I would like to own but am too nervous to pull off! :)
So, that's what I've got so far! Stay tuned!!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Let's Talk About...
MONEY! Brian and I went to a financial seminar at our church on Wednesday and it was sooo good! We had heard this particular presenter speak a couple years ago, but this time we were in a different place in life with different goals we want to achieve. Our speaker was Joe Sangl-a younger Dave Ramsey if you will. He actually read Dave Ramsey's book, completely changed his life financially and decided to write books on how he did it as well (with the full support of Mr. Ramsey, might I add). His seminar is called The Financial Learning Experience. He was really entertaining, had funny stories and really made you feel like he was the average Joe (no pun intended) who got out of debt successfully. Now, Brian and I do not have a lot of debt (minus our house) because we do not use credit cards but we accrued some--financial aid, hospital bills and our Jeep. I feel if we can get these things paid off completely then it will not be a struggle for me to stay at home with my sweet guy. Well, I was just really excited about the seminar and spent the better part of 30 minutes telling my mom everything that we learned. I thought I'd share a little with you too! :) Just some quotes and advice Mr. Sangl gave.
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Proverbs 21:5
His reoccurring theme is THERE MUST BE A PLAN! We need to be in control of our money and not let it be in control of us. He said that we need to spend our money before the month begins. -- We can just about guess how much income we will make the next month (those of us on salary). Before the month starts, sit down and distribute your money to areas such as tithes, charitable giving, savings, bills, insurance, debt, etc. He has this awesome tool via excel where you can insert your income, and all of the above expenses and will total your 'outgo.' If it's in the red, then there is some adjusting to be done, if yellow, you have leftover money to be distributed somewhere (savings, retirement, giving), and if it's green that means your total is exactly zero--where it should end up every month. He makes sure that we realize people need to have fun too and there are entertainment, shopping, blow money places to budget money as well. Anyway, the other part of that verse was talking about haste. How many things have I bought in haste without planning ahead of time.....A LOT! All. the. time. I go to Wal-Mart to buy bread and come out with $100 worth of junk! He suggested using money envelopes when going to the grocery store, shopping, movies, etc. That way you HAVE to stay within your budget. Thought that was a good idea! He also talked a lot about IRA's, 401K's, compound interest, etc. That was a little over my head BUT he gives a lot 'calculators' (totally free) on his website where you just put in the numbers and it will tell you how many months until you are debt free, how much you should be putting into your retirement funds to have 'this much' by the time you retire....He said it is soooo crucial to have a retirement fund and not rely solely on Social Security. "If you work for 20 years and end with nothing, then you just worked for free and mailed your money off to someone else." I liked that quote.
Anyway, check him out-- website: http://www.josephsangl.com/
http://iwasbrokenowimnot.com/--another website using the title of his book I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. which Brian and I purchased and I have begun reading. You can buy a book here. His website also gives links to a ton of other resources such as grocery coupon sites, online promotional code sites, restaurant deal sites, etc. Seriously, check him out. I wish I could have you experience what I did on Wednesday. Just here to help out!
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Proverbs 21:5
His reoccurring theme is THERE MUST BE A PLAN! We need to be in control of our money and not let it be in control of us. He said that we need to spend our money before the month begins. -- We can just about guess how much income we will make the next month (those of us on salary). Before the month starts, sit down and distribute your money to areas such as tithes, charitable giving, savings, bills, insurance, debt, etc. He has this awesome tool via excel where you can insert your income, and all of the above expenses and will total your 'outgo.' If it's in the red, then there is some adjusting to be done, if yellow, you have leftover money to be distributed somewhere (savings, retirement, giving), and if it's green that means your total is exactly zero--where it should end up every month. He makes sure that we realize people need to have fun too and there are entertainment, shopping, blow money places to budget money as well. Anyway, the other part of that verse was talking about haste. How many things have I bought in haste without planning ahead of time.....A LOT! All. the. time. I go to Wal-Mart to buy bread and come out with $100 worth of junk! He suggested using money envelopes when going to the grocery store, shopping, movies, etc. That way you HAVE to stay within your budget. Thought that was a good idea! He also talked a lot about IRA's, 401K's, compound interest, etc. That was a little over my head BUT he gives a lot 'calculators' (totally free) on his website where you just put in the numbers and it will tell you how many months until you are debt free, how much you should be putting into your retirement funds to have 'this much' by the time you retire....He said it is soooo crucial to have a retirement fund and not rely solely on Social Security. "If you work for 20 years and end with nothing, then you just worked for free and mailed your money off to someone else." I liked that quote.
Anyway, check him out-- website: http://www.josephsangl.com/
http://iwasbrokenowimnot.com/--another website using the title of his book I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. which Brian and I purchased and I have begun reading. You can buy a book here. His website also gives links to a ton of other resources such as grocery coupon sites, online promotional code sites, restaurant deal sites, etc. Seriously, check him out. I wish I could have you experience what I did on Wednesday. Just here to help out!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hey there!--a little update and pics of Brody's room!
Wow, I was on a roll there for a while and then it seems I dropped off the face of the planet! I had a really busy weekend and then have been WORKING so any free time I have I am either feeding the babes or playing with him! He is so much fun and sure does love his mama! I love seeing his smile when I come pick him up and I have so much fun tickling him, singing to him, doing baby exercises and just listening to him laugh! He is such a great baby and I can only hope my proceeding little tykes are just as great!
My teacher is going to be out of the classroom for the rest of the week so that means substitute! It always makes me nervous because in the past that meant that I teach the whole day because the sub has no idea what's going on. Problem is, it will only be my 4th day back and I am still trying to get used to the newness of everything! Luckily this sub was a previous 3rd grade teacher so I hope she's on the ball! I have been so exhausted when I get home! I used to wake up between 9:30-10 and now I wake at 6! That is sooooo early!
Well, how about I make up for my absence and talk about Brody's nursery and throw some pics in there with it! A blog is always better with pictures! We decided to go for a 'surfer boy' theme because if you know my hubs, you know that he is in love with surfing and everything that goes with it! He is definitely a water boy and I think Brody is too-that's why he wanted to swim for 10 days past his due date! ...Almost everything in B2's room is either handed down or handmade. I have two nephews, both 5 now, and it is great to be able to borrow bedding, bookshelves, clothes and a crib AT NO COST! Best sis-in-law's ever! Well, here's some pics to pique your interest:
My teacher is going to be out of the classroom for the rest of the week so that means substitute! It always makes me nervous because in the past that meant that I teach the whole day because the sub has no idea what's going on. Problem is, it will only be my 4th day back and I am still trying to get used to the newness of everything! Luckily this sub was a previous 3rd grade teacher so I hope she's on the ball! I have been so exhausted when I get home! I used to wake up between 9:30-10 and now I wake at 6! That is sooooo early!
Well, how about I make up for my absence and talk about Brody's nursery and throw some pics in there with it! A blog is always better with pictures! We decided to go for a 'surfer boy' theme because if you know my hubs, you know that he is in love with surfing and everything that goes with it! He is definitely a water boy and I think Brody is too-that's why he wanted to swim for 10 days past his due date! ...Almost everything in B2's room is either handed down or handmade. I have two nephews, both 5 now, and it is great to be able to borrow bedding, bookshelves, clothes and a crib AT NO COST! Best sis-in-law's ever! Well, here's some pics to pique your interest:
pre-tiki roof |
post tiki roof! Brian made this! SO HANDY I tell ya! |
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up close of the hand-painted sign Brian made :) |
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Brian added palm tree lights around the thatch roof for Brody's nightlight |
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up close of the bedding |
to the left of the bed-bookshelf via sis in law, also framed record albums from her as well |
up close |
changing area-glider courtesy of SIL, dresser and mirror from college |
sign I had made for his door to match the bedding |
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a view into his closet--doesn't look like this now-no strollers/carseat...now baskets of blankets and hamper and LOTS more clothes! storage up top holds his bigger clothing (3-6, 6-9, 9-12+) |
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bookshelf from somewhere... |
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Call Me Crazy
...but I miss being pregnant. I think I already have that 'amnesia' that people always talk about where you forget the pain of labor and and all the sleepless nights and are ready to have another baby. I am already there. Right after Brody was born, I was considering keeping him at only child status. But now that I am more comfortable in my motherly skin, I want moooooore!! I love lovin' on my baby! I would not be upset in the least if I got pregnant again so quickly. I mean, my body would have no chance of ever going back to its original form but I would be okay with that. I loved being pregnant. It didn't hurt that Brody's pregnancy was super easy. I miss feeling the baby kick and knowing that I was sustaining a sweet little life inside of me. It's a great feeling. Don't get me wrong, I want to enjoy every second with my fresh out of the oven little baby, but I've got lots of love to give. I am hoping we win the lottery so we can have as many rugrats as we can afford! Barefoot and pregnant---that's the life. The Duggars got it going on!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Brody's Three Month Update!
My oh my how my sweet guy is growing and changing! I love watching him develop! He has the sweetest personality and is just a laid back guy.
At three months, you:
- still loooooove your swing for nap time!
- have discovered your hands! They catch you off guard sometimes and then you stare at them with a confused look. You're thinking, "What do I do with these? Oh! Put them in my mouth!"
- love to suck on your index finger-either with sticking in your mouth like a popsicle or sucking on the side of it like a piece of corn!!
- have gagged yourself numerous times because you just can't get that hand in far enough!
- drool and blow bubbles like it's going out of style! You have to wear a bib a lot of the time because you just let it drip from your chin.
- visited Virginia for the first time to meet your great grandparents!
- celebrated your first Halloween and were Superman for the occasion.
- said bye bye to mommy because she went back to work :(.
- started to talk soooo much! You will carry on a conversation with Mr. Octopus for 15 minutes straight!
- also squeal with delight! Like-loud, high pitched pterodactyl calls. Brian and I laugh every time!
- no longer fit in x-small size Fuzzi Bunz--you are officially wearing smalls now. Still size one disposable but I bet you could fit into a size 2 also.
- tried out your new Jumperoo and seem to enjoy it. Your toes barely touch the ground though!
- drink 3-5 ounces every 2.5-3 hours.
- might weigh around 14 pounds. I weighed myself and then weighed us both and that was the difference.
- can wear 3-6 month clothes but I still try to put you in 0-3 to use them up before it's too late!
-----It's your cousin Lily Ann's 1st birthday!
- are doing an awesome job holding your head up! You're still a little bobble head but you're almost there!!
- love for daddy to fly you through the air. It always puts a smile on your face!
- love to watch TV! We try to turn you away from it but you just twist your head and body around until you can see it! So cute!
- seem so serious sometimes. We try to make you laugh and you stare at us like, 'who are these people?'
-make your mom and dad's life better every day!
Here's what you look like at 3 months:
At three months, you:
- still loooooove your swing for nap time!
- have discovered your hands! They catch you off guard sometimes and then you stare at them with a confused look. You're thinking, "What do I do with these? Oh! Put them in my mouth!"
- love to suck on your index finger-either with sticking in your mouth like a popsicle or sucking on the side of it like a piece of corn!!
- have gagged yourself numerous times because you just can't get that hand in far enough!
- drool and blow bubbles like it's going out of style! You have to wear a bib a lot of the time because you just let it drip from your chin.
- visited Virginia for the first time to meet your great grandparents!
- celebrated your first Halloween and were Superman for the occasion.
- said bye bye to mommy because she went back to work :(.
- started to talk soooo much! You will carry on a conversation with Mr. Octopus for 15 minutes straight!
- also squeal with delight! Like-loud, high pitched pterodactyl calls. Brian and I laugh every time!
- no longer fit in x-small size Fuzzi Bunz--you are officially wearing smalls now. Still size one disposable but I bet you could fit into a size 2 also.
- tried out your new Jumperoo and seem to enjoy it. Your toes barely touch the ground though!
- drink 3-5 ounces every 2.5-3 hours.
- might weigh around 14 pounds. I weighed myself and then weighed us both and that was the difference.
- can wear 3-6 month clothes but I still try to put you in 0-3 to use them up before it's too late!
-----It's your cousin Lily Ann's 1st birthday!
- are doing an awesome job holding your head up! You're still a little bobble head but you're almost there!!
- love for daddy to fly you through the air. It always puts a smile on your face!
- love to watch TV! We try to turn you away from it but you just twist your head and body around until you can see it! So cute!
- seem so serious sometimes. We try to make you laugh and you stare at us like, 'who are these people?'
-make your mom and dad's life better every day!
Here's what you look like at 3 months:
Nov. 10, 2011 |
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You are soooooo cute! |
More 3 month pictures:
Bubble blowin' proof! |
First Day Back to Work and I've Got Sunshine
EDIT*** Picture of the flowers sent down below.....
Well, I'm alive! And it wasn't as excruciating as I thought it was going to be. I think it was due to the fact that: I was running late, I was so tired my body was running on adrenaline, the kids in my class are so sweet and greeted me with a loud "MRS. SHAW!!!" and then a bombardment of hugs, I was so busy and overwhelmed that I didn't have a lot of time to think of anything else, and get this--I actually really do like my job :). Brian is so thoughtful-he sent me a bouquet of flowers with a note from Brody saying, "Dear Mommy, Thank you for working so hard so I can have a comfortable place to live." I hadn't cried today up until then! Brian and I always text each other or write in our cards-GIMY-Glad I Married You. So true, especially on days like today. As my work day was coming to an end, my stomach was in knots with the anticipation of seeing my sweet little boy! When I arrived, his babysitter, Shannon, was just unloading the kids from picking up my nephew from school. I went over to see my little guy and I could see him recognizing me with his eyes and then he gave me a huge "I love you mommy" smile and man, it was like sunshine. I cried then too. So now, we are home together, with a 3-day weekend ahead of us (Veteran's Day) and I am going to spend my time soaking up a lot of sunshine! I love the boys in my life!!
Well, I'm alive! And it wasn't as excruciating as I thought it was going to be. I think it was due to the fact that: I was running late, I was so tired my body was running on adrenaline, the kids in my class are so sweet and greeted me with a loud "MRS. SHAW!!!" and then a bombardment of hugs, I was so busy and overwhelmed that I didn't have a lot of time to think of anything else, and get this--I actually really do like my job :). Brian is so thoughtful-he sent me a bouquet of flowers with a note from Brody saying, "Dear Mommy, Thank you for working so hard so I can have a comfortable place to live." I hadn't cried today up until then! Brian and I always text each other or write in our cards-GIMY-Glad I Married You. So true, especially on days like today. As my work day was coming to an end, my stomach was in knots with the anticipation of seeing my sweet little boy! When I arrived, his babysitter, Shannon, was just unloading the kids from picking up my nephew from school. I went over to see my little guy and I could see him recognizing me with his eyes and then he gave me a huge "I love you mommy" smile and man, it was like sunshine. I cried then too. So now, we are home together, with a 3-day weekend ahead of us (Veteran's Day) and I am going to spend my time soaking up a lot of sunshine! I love the boys in my life!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tomorrow Came Too Soon!
Tomorrow is the day I go back to work. I am soooo sad. I LOVE my mornings with my little man. He is so cheerful and awake but still groggy enough to let me hold him and rub his back for awhile. I love that part. He loves when I change his diaper/clothes in the morning. He starts cooing and blowing bubbles and kicking his feet like crazy. We sing songs and read books and listen to K-Love on the radio. He goes down for a nap and I can do the dishes or laundry, take my time fixing breakfast and relax a little bit before the day truly starts. *sigh* I had lots of trouble sleeping last night, thinking about everything I need to do to get B2 ready for the babysitter and myself ready for work. I have a feeling tonight is going to be worse. I may need to take Tylenol PM at 8:00 tonight. I feel really sad but I also know that there is still hope for me to stay home in the future and that makes me feel a little better. I was reading a mommy blog the other day and she posted the lyrics to an old hymn that I hadn't heard in a long time. Now, whenever I feel sad, I sing these words to myself:
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
I can already see God working through this situation. Brian and I have communicated about finances and the future more than we probably ever have and I have had to test my trust in God to know that He will take care us. So, I will not worry. I may cry but I won't worry.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Okay, so I just started using coupons. As in, my first time really trying was this weekend. I didn't really document that and I already put away all of my groceries from that trip, but I went back to the websites I get my information from and decided to try again for a little bit better deals. I feel like I did pretty well but of course I wish it were better! I am still learning! We don't get the Sunday paper so I went to a news stand and got a couple. I tried to organize them and really look over the Internet sites to make sure I could get things that I really will use even if I am just stocking up. Here's how it panned out:
My first suggestion would be to get a Care Card. It's free and you get lots of rewards by using it. Why didn't I do this sooner!!!!???
Anyway-I purchased 2 All laundry detergents, 5 Ajax dishwashing soaps, 2 Colgate toothpastes, 2 containers of Lysol wipes, 2 Lysol disinfectant sprays, 1 box of Pop Tarts, and 2 boxes Rice Krispie treats.
All of these items were already on sale and I used coupons for the majority of them (not the food or Ajax). My total came out to be $33.85 after taxes. The cool thing was that all of these items qualified me for a $10 gift card of my choice if I spent $30. So I chose a $10 Shell gas card. So really, these items cost me $20. According to my receipt, I saved a grand total of $44.01 with sale items ($37.01) and $7 worth of coupons included. I feel pretty good about that trip! :) I saved more than I spent!
Here's a pic of my loot:
Next, I went to HT where they were doubling coupons this week only. I had already used some coupons in my previous grocery trip, but I decided to go back and get a few things I had forgotten. I purchased 3 containers of French's Fried Onions, 5 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup, and 6 cans of Pedigree wet dog food. The dog food was not on sale but I had a coupon for everything I purchased. So, the results: My total was $13.40. According to my receipt, I saved a grand total of $15.90 with sale items ($4.55) and $11.35 worth of coupons. Once again, I saved more than I spent!
Here's a pic:
Here are some of the sites that I use when couponing. These are either places to print off coupons or a blog that gives daily updates on drugstore/grocery sales and the combinations of coupons that will help you get the most bang for your buck! It also helps to get your Sunday paper with loads of coupons available there!
And my friend in Indianapolis, Indiana just recently started a couponing blog that has really good money saving deals and frequent updates. Here it is: themodelcouponer.com Definitely check her out if you live in the area or frequent the stores she posts about.
My first suggestion would be to get a Care Card. It's free and you get lots of rewards by using it. Why didn't I do this sooner!!!!???
Anyway-I purchased 2 All laundry detergents, 5 Ajax dishwashing soaps, 2 Colgate toothpastes, 2 containers of Lysol wipes, 2 Lysol disinfectant sprays, 1 box of Pop Tarts, and 2 boxes Rice Krispie treats.
All of these items were already on sale and I used coupons for the majority of them (not the food or Ajax). My total came out to be $33.85 after taxes. The cool thing was that all of these items qualified me for a $10 gift card of my choice if I spent $30. So I chose a $10 Shell gas card. So really, these items cost me $20. According to my receipt, I saved a grand total of $44.01 with sale items ($37.01) and $7 worth of coupons included. I feel pretty good about that trip! :) I saved more than I spent!
Here's a pic of my loot:
Should have totaled $77.86 but ended up being $33.85 plus $10 gas card. |
Next, I went to HT where they were doubling coupons this week only. I had already used some coupons in my previous grocery trip, but I decided to go back and get a few things I had forgotten. I purchased 3 containers of French's Fried Onions, 5 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup, and 6 cans of Pedigree wet dog food. The dog food was not on sale but I had a coupon for everything I purchased. So, the results: My total was $13.40. According to my receipt, I saved a grand total of $15.90 with sale items ($4.55) and $11.35 worth of coupons. Once again, I saved more than I spent!
Here's a pic:
Should have totaled $29.30 but ended up spending $13.40. I bought 6 cans of dog food. I think one got left in the car.... |
Here are some of the sites that I use when couponing. These are either places to print off coupons or a blog that gives daily updates on drugstore/grocery sales and the combinations of coupons that will help you get the most bang for your buck! It also helps to get your Sunday paper with loads of coupons available there!
And my friend in Indianapolis, Indiana just recently started a couponing blog that has really good money saving deals and frequent updates. Here it is: themodelcouponer.com Definitely check her out if you live in the area or frequent the stores she posts about.
Monday, November 7, 2011
To My Son
Dear Sweet Little Brody,
You are such a treasure. I have learned so much about love and being a mother in these short 3 months. You have proven to me over and over the old adage 'love is an action.' Even when it has been sooo hard, I have had to learn to constantly show my love over and over again. You have taught me about responsibility and patience. You have helped me understand God a little better not only in unconditional love but also what a huge sacrifice He had to make to have His only Son die on the cross. I cannot imagine. You have helped me fall deeper in love with your daddy. He has been amazing through your labor and helping me with EVERYTHING after the C-section--brushing my hair, helping me turn over in bed, helping me out of bed-getting up in the middle of the night just to run over to my side of the bed to lift me up, bringing you to me so I can feed you....and then the way he's been with you, baby. He never complains about holding you or changing your diaper or giving you a bath. He is so fun and loves to make you laugh. You and your dad are going to be best buds forever.
Your personality has developed so much and you are so comical. I think you are going to be a funny guy like your dad. You have filled us with so much joy. We would rather spend our whole day just looking at you than do anything else. Thank you so much for being such a good boy. I know I am going back to work and life is going to be different, but not my love baby-not my love. I will just have to make up for the hours we aren't together by filling the afternoon with so many kisses and hugs I'll be worn out by bedtime! I am so glad God has blessed me with you. I cannot express enough gratitude to Him.
I am so excited to see who you are going be when you grow up but don't do it too quickly. I want to be able to hold you as long as I can!
I love you, I love you, I love you,
You are such a treasure. I have learned so much about love and being a mother in these short 3 months. You have proven to me over and over the old adage 'love is an action.' Even when it has been sooo hard, I have had to learn to constantly show my love over and over again. You have taught me about responsibility and patience. You have helped me understand God a little better not only in unconditional love but also what a huge sacrifice He had to make to have His only Son die on the cross. I cannot imagine. You have helped me fall deeper in love with your daddy. He has been amazing through your labor and helping me with EVERYTHING after the C-section--brushing my hair, helping me turn over in bed, helping me out of bed-getting up in the middle of the night just to run over to my side of the bed to lift me up, bringing you to me so I can feed you....and then the way he's been with you, baby. He never complains about holding you or changing your diaper or giving you a bath. He is so fun and loves to make you laugh. You and your dad are going to be best buds forever.
Your personality has developed so much and you are so comical. I think you are going to be a funny guy like your dad. You have filled us with so much joy. We would rather spend our whole day just looking at you than do anything else. Thank you so much for being such a good boy. I know I am going back to work and life is going to be different, but not my love baby-not my love. I will just have to make up for the hours we aren't together by filling the afternoon with so many kisses and hugs I'll be worn out by bedtime! I am so glad God has blessed me with you. I cannot express enough gratitude to Him.
I am so excited to see who you are going be when you grow up but don't do it too quickly. I want to be able to hold you as long as I can!
I love you, I love you, I love you,
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Good Day
EDIT** I added a picture of the locket down below....
This is going to show up as the 6th even though it's still the 5th in my eyes because it's past midnight. Can you believe it? I have a 3 month old son and I am staying up past midnight! Night owl!! I just wanted to write a quick post to document some things. We spent the day cleaning out the garage and getting a lot of stuff moved to storage to do a yard sale in the future. I also cleaned some furniture to sell on craigslist. Just trying to think of as many ways to get some moolah saved up! Well, anyway...we went to Saturday night church and this was the first time we checked Brody in at Cove Kids! I wanted to keep him with us, but a special speaker (Joe Sangl) was there to talk about giving and the importance of frugality and saving your money. I wanted to be 'all ears' so we decided to check him for the first time. The message was soooo good and I am glad I was able to pay attention the whole time. When we picked up B2, a guy was holding him and said he was pretty good but got a little fussy. :( He was probably a tired little guy. Well, afterwards, the big fam (me, B, B2, Brian's parents, Kristen, Andy, and their 2 kids -my niece and nephew) went to Showmar's for dinner. Then, I received a gift so sweet and thoughtful I cried. My MIL and SIL knew I was upset about going back to work so they got me a B&BW antibacterial hand gel in a sparkly holder to keep the kids germs at bay ANNNNNNND, get this---a locket. A beautiful silver locket with Brody's pictures in it. I still can't get over how sweet that was! I will have to post a picture of it when I get a chance. I love my family.
This is going to show up as the 6th even though it's still the 5th in my eyes because it's past midnight. Can you believe it? I have a 3 month old son and I am staying up past midnight! Night owl!! I just wanted to write a quick post to document some things. We spent the day cleaning out the garage and getting a lot of stuff moved to storage to do a yard sale in the future. I also cleaned some furniture to sell on craigslist. Just trying to think of as many ways to get some moolah saved up! Well, anyway...we went to Saturday night church and this was the first time we checked Brody in at Cove Kids! I wanted to keep him with us, but a special speaker (Joe Sangl) was there to talk about giving and the importance of frugality and saving your money. I wanted to be 'all ears' so we decided to check him for the first time. The message was soooo good and I am glad I was able to pay attention the whole time. When we picked up B2, a guy was holding him and said he was pretty good but got a little fussy. :( He was probably a tired little guy. Well, afterwards, the big fam (me, B, B2, Brian's parents, Kristen, Andy, and their 2 kids -my niece and nephew) went to Showmar's for dinner. Then, I received a gift so sweet and thoughtful I cried. My MIL and SIL knew I was upset about going back to work so they got me a B&BW antibacterial hand gel in a sparkly holder to keep the kids germs at bay ANNNNNNND, get this---a locket. A beautiful silver locket with Brody's pictures in it. I still can't get over how sweet that was! I will have to post a picture of it when I get a chance. I love my family.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Products WE Love (0-3 Months)
This is a list of things that I have found necessary postpartum. Like-serious lifesavers. I will list some that I love for myself and also the things Brody loves too (so far).
First, we shall start with moi:
A glider. A nice, comfy one that you can sit back and relax in at 3 o'clock in the morning. The gliding ottoman is a must also. Kick up your feet and relax. You're going to be here a while.
google images |
A breast pump. Obviously you do not need this if you plan on formula feeding. But since I am not, this is another must have. I use it to store up milk for when I go back to work, have Brody's grandparents babysit, I need a break and Brian gives him a bottle, etc. I am borrowing the Medela Pump in Style from my SIL (after sterilizing it, of course) and have not had one problem with it. It's a little scary the first time you use it because you have no idea what's about to happen or how to put it together, but then, it's cake. I know a few other companies makes them-Lansinoh, Avent, Ameda, Evenflo, etc. I would definitely go for an electric one verses a manual. Here's what it looks like:
google images |
google images |
google images |
storage ease....(not my picture) google images |
google images |
Also, an awesome blogger mom devoted to writing about her experience with this method has a plethora of information here and it will answer a lot of questions you may have:
A Boppy. I feel this would help with formula and breastfeeding. It helps me have one hand free and gives the babes more support. I have heard of another similar product, My Breast Friend, but have not used it. It is more flat and connects around your back. I have heard that it is better than the Boppy but I don't know from experience. I might try it with the next baby. But my Boppy has been a huge help!
The Boppy |
My Breast Friend---see the difference? |
There's my list. I may add to it as time goes on and when I think of more things. Now on to the cute guy....
Stuff Brody loves!
The Boppy |
Isn't he just the cutest? I love the way he's curled up in some of them.
His pacifier. We don't use this unless absolutely necessary because I don't want him to become dependent on it, but it has definitely helped calm the screaming at restaurants and long car rides. This one is his favorite:
This is called a Soothie. |
His swaddle blanket. We had tried a few before we got these and oh my gosh, they are awesome! Aden and Anais blankets are muslin cotton so they are gauzy and lightweight, and they are HUGE and square whereas most are rectangular. At first, I thought Brody hated to be swaddled but he would sleep terribly because his moro reflex (where they easily startle and throw their hands in the air) would constantly wake him up. After a few nights, he didn't resist against us anymore. Now he let's his arms go limp as we double swaddle him and he stays like that 'til morning
They have cute prints and you can buy them at Target. |
He's not swaddled here, but look how comfy he is! :) |
A double doozie: His swing and his play gym. He LOVES both of these things! I can put him in his swing, pop that paci in and he is a snoozin' in minutes. The play gym brings him (and us) soooo much joy. He loves having his wake time there. He stares at Mr. Octopus and just squeals with delight. It's the best.
This is the swing he has. The Fisher Price Rainforest Edition. |
The Neptune Play Gym |
I got the plastic ones (they're BPA free) and got a few of the 4 oz. and the 8 oz. They are known for reducing gas and colic.
The 4 oz. plastic bottle |
Well, there you have it! Brody's (and mine) comprehensive list of products we love so far. (Up to 3 months) I will update as Brody tries new things!
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