Dear Sweet Little Brody,
You are such a treasure. I have learned so much about love and being a mother in these short 3 months. You have proven to me over and over the old adage 'love is an action.' Even when it has been sooo hard, I have had to learn to constantly show my love over and over again. You have taught me about responsibility and patience. You have helped me understand God a little better not only in unconditional love but also what a huge sacrifice He had to make to have His only Son die on the cross. I cannot imagine. You have helped me fall deeper in love with your daddy. He has been amazing through your labor and helping me with EVERYTHING after the C-section--brushing my hair, helping me turn over in bed, helping me out of bed-getting up in the middle of the night just to run over to my side of the bed to lift me up, bringing you to me so I can feed you....and then the way he's been with you, baby. He never complains about holding you or changing your diaper or giving you a bath. He is so fun and loves to make you laugh. You and your dad are going to be best buds forever.
Your personality has developed so much and you are so comical. I think you are going to be a funny guy like your dad. You have filled us with so much joy. We would rather spend our whole day just looking at you than do anything else. Thank you so much for being such a good boy. I know I am going back to work and life is going to be different, but not my love baby-not my love. I will just have to make up for the hours we aren't together by filling the afternoon with so many kisses and hugs I'll be worn out by bedtime! I am so glad God has blessed me with you. I cannot express enough gratitude to Him.
I am so excited to see who you are going be when you grow up but don't do it too quickly. I want to be able to hold you as long as I can!
I love you, I love you, I love you,
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