Thursday, November 10, 2011

Brody's Three Month Update!

My oh my how my sweet guy is growing and changing!  I love watching him develop!  He has the sweetest personality and is just a laid back guy.

At three months, you:
- still loooooove your swing for nap time!
- have discovered your hands!  They catch you off guard sometimes and then you stare at them with a confused look.  You're thinking, "What do I do with these?  Oh!  Put them in my mouth!"
- love to suck on your index finger-either with sticking in your mouth like a popsicle or sucking on the side of it like a piece of corn!!
- have gagged yourself numerous times because you just can't get that hand in far enough!
- drool and blow bubbles like it's going out of style!  You have to wear a bib a lot of the time because you just let it drip from your chin.
- visited Virginia for the first time to meet your great grandparents!
- celebrated your first Halloween and were Superman for the occasion.
- said bye bye to mommy because she went back to work :(.
- started to talk soooo much!  You will carry on a conversation with Mr. Octopus for 15 minutes straight!
- also squeal with delight!  Like-loud, high pitched pterodactyl calls.  Brian and I laugh every time!
- no longer fit in x-small size Fuzzi Bunz--you are officially wearing smalls now.  Still size one disposable but I bet you could fit into a size 2 also.
- tried out your new Jumperoo and seem to enjoy it.  Your toes barely touch the ground though!
- drink 3-5 ounces every 2.5-3 hours.
- might weigh around 14 pounds.  I weighed myself and then weighed us both and that was the difference.
- can wear 3-6 month clothes but I still try to put you in 0-3 to use them up before it's too late!
-----It's your cousin Lily Ann's 1st birthday!
- are doing an awesome job holding your head up!  You're still a little bobble head but you're almost there!!
- love for daddy to fly you through the air.  It always puts a smile on your face!
- love to watch TV!  We try to turn you away from it but you just twist your head and body around until you can see it!  So cute!
- seem so serious sometimes.  We try to make you laugh and you stare at us like, 'who are these people?'
-make your mom and dad's life better every day!


Here's what you look like at 3 months:

Nov. 10, 2011

And then you fell over!  You'll sit up on your own one of these days!
You are soooooo cute!

More 3 month pictures:

Bubble blowin' proof!

Our welcome sign in Virginia--for some reason I can't find the other pics from this trip.  I'll post later...

I like my dino hat!

Flying through the air!

Holding that head up!

Halloween and flying!!

Your new Jumperoo and you transfixed on the TV!!

You still love the swing!

My sweet little man

You make me so happy!

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