Friday, November 4, 2011

Brody's One Month Update

I thought I'd backtrack a little bit and write Brody's monthly updates to catch up.  That way I can look back on these and see how far he's come AND compare him developmentally to our next kids! The first month was pretty emotional for Brian and I, especially me.  I was getting adjusted to this new lifestyle and sleeping pattern and my body seemed like it went through shock.  I was pretty exhausted all the time and it was difficult to move about in the first few weeks because of my C-section.  We had a few visitors: Kristie, Shannon, William and his family, Brenda and Cherri, my cousins Amy and Julie (plus Cameron and Ann Caroline), my grandma and Jason.
You were born August 10, 2011 at 5:17 pm.  You weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and you were 19" long.
At 1 month, you:
- gained 3 lbs. and 3 inches!  Growing so fast!
- have baby acne and lots of it.  I was kind of embarrassed by it.
- still fit in newborn clothes and diapers.  You are long and skinny.
- started wearing cloth diapers in the last week.
- have had your first boat ride, dip in the lake, trip to the beach, and dip in the ocean.
- had your first bath and hated it.  The second one was much better.
- have trouble falling asleep outside of someone's arms.
- love to sleep on the Boppy too.
- are still waking up a couple times a night and sleep and eat all day long.
- can focus on a face.
- can lift your head for a short while on your tummy.
- coo and gurgle and say 'ahhh'.
- smile in response to me (or so it seems-I know it's not just gas).
- calm down instantly when in your dad's arms.
- still keep your hands in fists all the time.
- are losing your hair and look like Elmer Fudd.

Your first boat ride

Brian was just dying to get him in the lake!
You didn't mind it a bit!-This is as far as mommy would let you go!
Look at that wet tooshie!

Labor day weekend 2011-Don't mind my terrible tan lines!

You would cry when he dipped you and then stop when he stood up.  You are so sweet.
You didn't like your bath too much!

You love to sleep in the Boppy.

Here you are when you were 2 days old with your doggie:

And here you are one month old with your doggie:

And then you fell over

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