Friday, November 4, 2011

Products WE Love (0-3 Months)

That is of course referring to Brody and me!
This is a list of things that I have found necessary postpartum.  Like-serious lifesavers.  I will list some that I love for myself and also the things Brody loves too (so far).

First, we shall start with moi:

A glider.  A nice, comfy one that you can sit back and relax in at 3 o'clock in the morning.  The gliding ottoman is a must also.  Kick up your feet and relax.  You're going to be here a while.
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A breast pump.  Obviously you do not need this if you plan on formula feeding.  But since I am not, this is another must have.  I use it to store up milk for when I go back to work, have Brody's grandparents babysit, I need a break and Brian gives him a bottle, etc.  I am borrowing the Medela Pump in Style from my SIL (after sterilizing it, of course) and have not had one problem with it.  It's a little scary the first time you use it because you have no idea what's about to happen or how to put it together, but then, it's cake.  I know a few other companies makes them-Lansinoh, Avent, Ameda, Evenflo, etc.  I would definitely go for an electric one verses a manual.  Here's what it looks like:
google images

Lansinoh Cream or something similar.  Once again, not needed if you are formula feeding but a MUST for those first few weeks!  Don't know what it looks like?  I'm here to help:
google images
Along those same lines and from the same company: Breastmilk storage containers.  I like the plastic bags because they take up less space.

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storage ease....(not my picture)
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Another exclusively nursing product.  Breast pads!  Oh my word!  Brody was about 2 weeks old and we took him to church Saturday night and it happened.  I leaked for the first time.  And it was embarrassing!  And of course this was our first visit to church after having Brody so everyone wanted to see him.  I had to stand there with his blanket covering one side and his diaper bag over the other.  The pastor's wife had to get me a spare shirt because, of course, we were going out to dinner afterwards.  Needless to say, a necessity.  At least for while.
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On Becoming BabyWise.  This book is pretty controversial.  Some swear by it, others abhor it.  I happen to think it works.  BUT I also didn't follow everything the book said.  And as I read through it, I thought to myself many times, "Why didn't I think of that?" and "That makes a lot of sense."  I don't let my baby cry it out, at least for more than a few minutes and I use 'sleep props'-baby swing, pacifier and sometimes I feed him before the 2.5/3 hour mark and he falls asleep nursing sometimes and I let him stay that way.  I am not saying the authors object to these things completely and they, by all means, encourage you to feed your baby if he is hungry-even if it's before you're supposed to.  Read the book, pick and choose what you agree with and you will do just fine.  You are a mother and mother's know best!

Also, an awesome blogger mom devoted to writing about her experience with this method has a plethora of information here and it will answer a lot of questions you may have:

A Boppy.  I feel this would help with formula and breastfeeding.  It helps me have one hand free and gives the babes more support.  I have heard of another similar product, My Breast Friend, but have not used it.  It is more flat and connects around your back.  I have heard that it is better than the Boppy but I don't know from experience.  I might try it with the next baby.  But my Boppy has been a huge help!
The Boppy

My Breast Friend---see the difference?
There's my list.  I may add to it as time goes on and when I think of more things.  Now on to the cute guy....
Stuff Brody loves!

The Boppy

Yes, I meant to put this again.  Brody loves the Boppy too.  In his first weeks, he would fall deeply asleep after nursing and I could just slide him and the Boppy onto the couch so I could get up and get stuff done!  It's also a good way to prop him up so he doesn't have to just lay there all the time.  Here's a cute "Brody loves his Boppy" montage:

Isn't he just the cutest?  I love the way he's curled up in some of them.

His pacifier.  We don't use this unless absolutely necessary because I don't want him to become dependent on it, but it has definitely helped calm the screaming at restaurants and long car rides.  This one is his favorite:
This is called a Soothie.

His swaddle blanket.  We had tried a few before we got these and oh my gosh, they are awesome!  Aden and Anais blankets are muslin cotton so they are gauzy and lightweight, and they are HUGE and square whereas most are rectangular. At first, I thought Brody hated to be swaddled but he would sleep terribly because his moro reflex (where they easily startle and throw their hands in the air) would constantly wake him up.  After a few nights, he didn't resist against us anymore.  Now he let's his arms go limp as we double swaddle him and he stays like that 'til morning
They have cute prints and you can buy them at Target.

He's not swaddled here, but look how comfy he is! :)
Another product for sleeping soundly: His HoMedics Sound Spa from Target.  This is great for creating 'white noise' to help baby sleep better.  You can choose from 6 different sound options, it has a timer, and even a projector that emits cute characters onto the wall/ceiling.  We use it every night.  That along with his fan helps create enough background noise so we can have the TV on right outside his room without waking him up.

A double doozie: His swing and his play gym.  He LOVES both of these things!  I can put him in his swing, pop that paci in and he is a snoozin' in minutes.  The play gym brings him (and us) soooo much joy.  He loves having his wake time there.  He stares at Mr. Octopus and just squeals with delight.  It's the best.  
This is the swing he has.  The Fisher Price Rainforest Edition. 
A suggestion for the swing--buy one that has a plug that goes into the wall.  You will go through batteries in no time and that adds up! $$$$$

The Neptune Play Gym
Last but not least, his Dr. Brown's bottles.  I was so worried that he wouldn't take a bottle or the ones we bought would not be the ones he liked.  But I had heard great things about these bottles and luckily he took right to it.  I think it's because the nipple is squishy and the base isn't huge and round like some are.
I got the plastic ones (they're BPA free) and got a few of the 4 oz. and the 8 oz.  They are known for reducing gas and colic.  

The 4 oz. plastic bottle
Well, there you have it!  Brody's (and mine) comprehensive list of products we love so far. (Up to 3 months)  I will update as Brody tries new things!


  1. Brody is SO cute!!! Makes me so excited to have a little guy of my own! I got Baby Wise from Goodwill the other day and I like what you said about it. I had a friend who read it and responded similarly by following the principles of the book but with some wiggle room.

  2. Thanks Shelby! I basically followed the eat, play, sleep routine. The first day that I tried it when he was 5 or 6 weeks old, he slept longer at night than he ever had and continued to do so. So I would say it works. :) That blog I posted under it seriously has sooo much information and if you comment with a question, she will answer you. Good luck with your little man! Boys are so much fun!
